We Love Our Fall Apprenticeships!
What do you get when you put over 250 passionate volunteer Citizen Teachers in school rooms with incredible middle school students? You guessed it. Outstanding apprenticeships! Some tried and true and some new, here are a few highlights:
Building the Next Big Business (Google): Apprentices are learning the 21st century skills of collaboration and problem-solving by creating their own business based on a problem they want to solve. Students are working in teams to design the next Google, Facebook, or Angry Birds by identifying a problem and creating a business plan for their solution. At the end of the semester, students will use all they have learned to give an authentic pitch to acquire funding for their new business.
Scalable Game Design (Facebook): In Scalable Game Design, Preston Elder, a software engineer from Facebook, is transforming apprentices at Bronx Writing Academy into video game designers by teaching them the 21st century skills of technology literacy and collaboration. Apprentices will learn how to create their own version of the video game Frogger. At the end of the semester, students will use all they have learned to give a demonstration showcasing their video game to software engineers.

Documentary Filmmaking (Old School Films): In this apprenticeship, students at Global Tech Prep are learning the ins and outs of making a documentary film. They are exploring how to conduct meaningful interviews, create connections with their subjects, and tune into an unfolding story. At their WOW! event, these apprentices will showcase their own documentary on a topic of their choosing.