Citizen Schools Alumna Makes Her Dreams Come True

Mary Espinosa is a rising sophomore at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and a former Citizen Schools student. This is an adaptation of a speech she gave at the Celebrating Community Collaboration fundraising event in Charlotte, North Carolina.  I am honored to be a Citizen Schools alumna. I graduated from the program in 2008, and it was one of the most rewarding and enriching experiences in my educational career. Before joining Citizen Schools in eighth grade, I was unsure of whether I wanted to attend college or not. College seemed like an impossible dream, but going through the Citizen Schools 8th Grade Academy program inspired me to pursue my dreams of a college education.

mary speechBy attending college visits, I realized that not only was college an achievable feat, but that I was determined to go no matter what. Citizen Schools inspired me to believe in myself and showed me that college was a realistic goal for me -- that I was as deserving of a college education as any other individual.  I am proud to say that I am a first generation college-student who just finished my freshman year at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where I am majoring in Social Work, so that I too can help young people achieve their goals and encourage them to turn their dreams into reality.

I believe that Citizen Schools is an extremely valuable program and that it is key in ensuring the success of countless students. For me, it helped shape my future. I felt more prepared than many of my peers were when I entered high school. I had developed study techniques from after school homework time, I had learned about the college process from college tours, and my apprenticeships helped me connect what I was learning in the classroom with real world experiences. I learned how to work in a group, how to present and speak publicly thanks to our WOW! presentations, and I started to look into career fields that piqued my interest. Apprenticeships taught me real world values and skills that I use even today, over four years later.

imageCitizen Schools helped shaped me into who I am today. But, Citizen Schools programming alone was not the only reason why I was -- and continue to be -- so determined to succeed. My Citizen Schools Team Leaders and volunteer Citizen Teachers also played a huge role in that. I was so fortunate to work with these caring adults who never thought twice about encouraging me and supporting me through my educational journey. I want to thank Ms. Lisa, Mr. Angel, and Ms. Melissa for always encouraging me to dream -- and to make those dreams come true. They are the ones that really pushed me and inspired me to continue my education. As a middle schooler getting ready to transition into high school, their tremendous support meant the world to me.

I hope that together as a community, we can continue to inspire students like myself, not only here in Charlotte, but across the nation.

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