Citizen Schools

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Roy Fralin, Citizen Teacher Video

Roy Fralin is a vice president at Fidelity Investments by day, but he's been involved with Citizen Schools for a long time. He serves on our Council of Champions, he's advocated with and for us in Washington D.C., but he's never taught his own apprenticeship. Until now!

This past fall, Roy taught "How to Invest like a Millionaire" to a group of 6th grade students at Orchard Gardens K-8 School in Roxbury, MA with AmeriCorps Teaching Fellow Sarah Petty. The following video is the result of following an irrepressibly positive VP of Operations over the course of the ten week apprenticeship he taught as a Citizen Teacher.

It may have been Roy's first apprenticeship, but his dedication, positive attitude and remarkable ability to connect with the kids led us to honor him with our Citizen Teacher of the Year Award!

The school that Roy taught at, Orchard Gardens K-8, is in its first year of turnaround. For more on the turnaround effort check out the speech Principal Andrew Bott gave to our staff!