Huffington Post Live: STEM Boost

Huffington Post Live May 6, 2013

STEM Boost

This segment discusses science, technology, engineering & math (STEM) education and the importance of mentorship to US competitiveness which recently saw a boost from President Obama with initiatives like US2020.  The conversation included Eric Schwarz, Citizen Schools' Co-Founder and CEO and US2020 Executive Chairman, Mark Greenlaw, Cognizant VP Sustainability & Educational Affairs and Citizen Teacher, Bill Nye, The Science Guy and The Planetary Society CEO, and Camsie McAdams, US Department of Education Senior Advisor on STEM Education. Watch the entire segment here.

US2020 and Citizen Schools' apprenticeship model, particularly in the STEM fields, is also featured on the Huffington Post in Expanding the Definition of Who Teachers STEM, When and How.