HP and the HP Company Foundation Commit to Changing the Lives of Bay Area Students
In 2006, Citizen Schools changed the game for students at the Edwards Middle School in Boston, a school that was on the verge of closure, with a new idea – Expanded Learning Time (ELT) – that added 35% more learning time to the school day. Following the implementation of ELT with Citizen Schools as a lead partner, the school eliminated the achievement gap for students in math and erased eighty percent of the state gap on literacy and science standardized tests. Today, the Edwards School is one of the highest achieving middle schools in Boston.
Since then, ELT has expanded to eleven campuses across the country and, in partnership with HP, we’re poised to bring ELT – and a path to high school and college – to many more of our students in the Bay Area.
The HP Company Foundation recently committed $500,000 over two years to ensure that Citizen Schools can increase the number of students we serve in Redwood City by 10%, open or convert new ELT sites for struggling schools in San Mateo County, and get great results for our students, including improved academic achievement, attendance, and attitudes and beliefs about future academic and career prospects.
Here’s to HP, the HP Company Foundation and the many other corporate partners who provide the vital resources Citizen Schools’ students need to graduate from high school on time and arrive to college well prepared!