Get CycED for Citizen Schools 2nd Annual Spin Event a Smash Success!

Earlier this month, in the wee hours of a cold Saturday morning, some of our most dedicated supporters came together for a fun, high-energy spin class to raise money to support Citizen Schools. We are so grateful to the 25 teams and 114 participants who showed up to burn some calories, boost endorphins, AND most importantly remind us that we can all work together to provide better opportunities to under-served students in New York City. With the help of these passionate, driven individuals we raised $63,000, which surpassed last year’s event raise by nearly $10,000!

Congratulations again to our top fundraising team NYC Squad, led by Laura Parker and employees from Goldman Sachs. Special shout out to our Get CycED Committee, Board of Advocates, and  some of our key sponsors below who helped make this event a success. We look forward to seeing you all next year for the 3rd Annual Get CycED for Citizen Schools event.

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